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Rewi Studierende in England 2016

Die Lehrveranstaltung ermöglichte 11 Studierenden der REWI Fakultät, Erfahrungen mit neuen Lernformen vor Ort in England zu sammeln. Ziel des Seminars war der Vergleich von Verfahren und Ergebnissen der Konfliktbewältigung in den Bereichen Familienrecht, Arbeitsrecht, Nachbarschaftsrecht und Konsumentenrecht in Österreich und England.

Für das 2-wöchige Seminar hatten die TeilnehmerInnen passende österreichische Rechtsfälle in OGH-Entscheidungen ausfindig zu machen und zu analysieren. Vor Ort in England führten sie dann an Universität, in Bibliotheken, bei Gericht, Anwaltskanzleien und Rechtsberatungseinrichtungen Recherchen durch, um Ähnlichkeiten und Differenzen in den beiden Rechtssystemen im Verfahren, sowohl gerichtlich als auch außergerichtlich festzustellen.

Dabei erhielten sie ein englischsprachiges Coaching bei International Project Centre, Exeter, konnten mit Studierenden und Personal der Universität netzwerken, Einblicke in den Lehrbetrieb der Law School der University of Exeter und in die Rechtspraxis in Gerichten und Anwaltskanzleien gewinnen, und sich mit englischen Studierenden messen. Weitere Netzwerke und Einblicke wurden auch durch Gastfamilien des International Project Centres ermöglicht.


Details zum Programmablauf finden sich hier.

1. Tag: Montag 13.3.2016

Natürlich war das Kennenlernen von IPC und Exeter, sowie der Coachin Esther ein wichtiger erster Schritt. Studierende betonten aber auch das Kennenlernen von englischen Studierenden als ein wichtiges Erlebnis:

Katharina bloggte über den Besuch auf der Universität:

"... There we got the chance to listen to a lecture about Familiy Mediation by Tia Matt. This gave us the first insight in  English jurisdiction. Afterwards we actually met a Pro Bono group of Law Clinic students supervised by Tia. For me, this was a special highlight of the day, because we were able to ask them anything we wanted to know about the English legal system and they helpfully answered all of our questions."

2. Tag: Dienstag 14.3.2016

Erstes Kennenlernen des englischen Rechtssystem erfolgte nicht nur durch Esthers Einführung, sondern auch durch Besuch der Magistrate Courts.

Marlene bloggte unter dem Titel "UK Courts Theory and Practice" über die Eindrücke im Gerichtssaal:

" ... What really struck us was the generally informal setting of the process and the relatively short period of time between the occurrence of offences and the process in court (often merely three weeks!)."

Danach wurde intensiv an Literaturrecherchen in der Universitätsbibliothek in St Lukes gearbeitet.

Day 3

3. Tag: Mittwoch 15.3.2016

Eva betitelte diesen Tag als "Case Study Day" in ihrem Blog und schätzte, wie viele andere auch, nicht nur Esthers Einführung in Academic Writing.

"... With these new tips in mind, we started to work on our papers. In addition to that, the University of Exeter provided a list of law firms that offer legal advice free of charge. This is a good opportunity for our case studies in order to find out how our matters are handled in Great Britain. ... The library was filled with international students who were happy to help us with our research."

4. Tag: Donnerstag 16.3.2016

Anna bloggte zum Tagesgeschehen zwei Bereiche. Einerseits lernte sie weitere wichtige Details zum Schreiben englischer Seminararbeiten, andererseits wurden Initiativen in der Feldforschung verfolgt.

"The day started with Esther teaching us useful matters regarding Paragraph Writing and how it is structured in the UK. The main message was that if you do not have a catchy sentence at the beginning, at least English people will not continue reading. ..."

"Marlene and I tried to contact the Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau to seek legal advice for our (quite similar) cases, which both address neighbourhood issues. As the line was very busy, we are either going to phone them tomorrow morning or visit them at their office in the city centre."

5. Tag: Freitag 17.3.2016

Martin fand in seinem Blog sowohl Esthers Lektion als auch die Nachmittagsarbeiten bemerkenswert:

"Marcel and I went to the University of Exeter to meet some law students. We had the opportunity to talk about our cases. They really helped us. They answered nearly every question so we made progress and improved our knowledge of the English legal system. The students here in Exeter are really cooperative. We sat together for nearly two hours. To be honest, that really impressed me."

6. Tag: Samstag 18.3.2016

Neben dem akademischen Programm bot IPC auch einen Ausflug zu einem sehenswerten Ausflugsziel in der Nähe Exeters. Katharina berichtete:

"Today Chrissie from IPC took us to the Jurassic Coast at Sidmouth, which is a World Heritage Site.

After 45 minutes walking to a lookout point, we enjoyed the wonderful view of the sea and the sandstone cliffs and the pure, salty air at the seaside. ..."

Man kann nicht immer nur arbeiten!

7. Tag: Sonntag 19.3.2016

Dieser Tag wurde mit Gastfamilien privat verbracht.

8. Tag: Montag 20.3.2016

Clemens bloggte für diesen Montag, dass Esthers Stunde hilfreiche Techniken und Übungen zum Vergleichen von österreichischen und englischen Rechtsverhältnissen brachte. Aus Graz kam die willkommene Nachricht, dass der Arbeitsaufwand nun mit 4 Semesterwochenstunden gewürdigt wird! Clemens und Valentina konnten ein Interview mit einem Rechtsanwalt zu ihren Fällen durchführen. Es war jedenfalls ein weiterer arbeitsreicher aber auch ertragreicher Tag, den alle nutzten, um mit ihren Arbeiten gut weiterzukommen:

"... I think most of us made good progress and we are all looking forward to finalizing our thesis in the next few days."

9. Tag: Dienstag 21.3.2016

Marie bloggte begeistert über die Einblicke dieses Tags:

"Today was a perfect example that to learn something in theory and to experience the real thing are two entirely different things. It can sometimes be quite tedious to learn how cases are processed in Court from a textbook. Yet the same information given by Tia Matt (a Professor at Exeter University) and Matt Bass (a member of the Personal Support Unit at the Crown Court), in the building of the Crown Court, plus the fact that we were allowed to sit in and follow some trials, was not only an unforgettable and unique, but also a very educational experience. It was most astonishing to see that the financial cuts British people endured also affected their opportunities to claim legal aid for civil cases. Without legal aid, however, they often cannot afford to hire a lawyer to represent them. In response to that, the Personal Support Unit (PSU) was founded. Their volunteers, mostly law students, support and inform people facing court without a lawyer. It is quite amazing how people adjust and unite in order to help ..."

10. Tag: Mittwoch 22.3.2016

Valentina fand die Ergeignisse des Tages zum Thema Mooting faszinierend:

"Today was one of the most fascinating days of our stay so far – the mooting day. We met at 9.35 at the central library in the city centre with Kubo Macak, professor of Exeter University, and college students to get some experience in mooting. [...] we got some basic instructions on how to moot. One of the most interesting parts was the etiquette of mooting (for example the address to the judge as “If it pleases my Lordship/my Ladyship, my name is… and I will be appearing with my learned junior counsel Mr…”). This seems to be quite different from Austrian etiquette. After this input, we were split into groups of ten and prepared our cases. Although time was limited, we made really good progress and argued our cases brilliantly. Two of us – Marlene and Marcel - were even awarded the title “best speaker of the moot” – We are very proud of them!

In the evening, we were invited to a professional show moot as part of the ceremony celebrating the " 60th Anniversary of the University of Exeter". The day ended with a nice reception where we got in touch with students and professors of the University of Exeter."

Day 11

11. Tag: Donnerstag 23.3.2016

Letzte Interviews mit Anwälten und Analysen, sowie Vorbereitungen auf die Abschlusspräsentationen am folgenden Tag verliefen erfolgreich. Marcel bloggte den vorletzten Tag mit etwas Wehmut:

"...  It was an interesting and very useful day for us because we got enough time to prepare our presentations and we got the chance to try to present our presentations. For me it was a great day and I am not very happy that tomorrow is the last day here in Exeter."

12. Tag: Freitag 24.3.2016

Abschlusspräsentationen am Karfreitag. Nach den Präsentationen gab es noch einen Kursrückblick und einen Ausflug nach Topsham. Mara berichtet in ihrem Blog:

"Today was the last day of our course. After two really exciting and instructive weeks, we finally had the chance to show our teachers from University and IPC the outcome of our work during our presentations this morning. Even Tia followed our invitation and listened to our presentations and we are so grateful that she joined us although it is Good Friday. After our presentations we got some helpful feedback from Norbert, Esther, Sascha and Tia about our presentations skills. In the afternoon, we finished our course with a cheerful final meeting with all students and teachers of the course at "The Turf" in Topsham.

The last two weeks have been quite an amazing experience and although we are all looking forward to seeing our families and friends again, we will all miss our host families and the new friends we met here. Finally we want to say thanks to everyone who supported us during these two weeks: without you it would never have been such an unforgettable time!"

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